  • TORT - II
  • TORT - II

TORT - Void Addiction - CD

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CD - Discos Macarras - 2019.

"Void Addiction" has a common denominator in its sound: Density.

An album of heavy and crushing rhythms with depth, anger and guttural voices, which make the God of the earthquake tremble.

This is their third LP and for sure it will make you drool. For lovers of sick and intense Doom-Sludge Metal.


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Spain 48h | Europe 4-8 days | International shipping 10-15 days.

Digital download at: -BANDCAMP-

Cover art and design by Jaume Narcís Boter:

TORT are:

Xavier Álvarez: Vocals 
Laurent Py: Bass 
Jordi Boluda: Guitar 
Sergio Sancho: Guitar 
Michel Serrano: Drums 

Recorded and mixed at Sonic Riot Studios by Paco Delgado. 
Mastered by James Plotkin.   

Cover art and design by Jaume Narcís Boter.

TORT at: Spotify logo


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